When I tried to think of a title for this post, the first thing that popped into my head was December First- which is when I’m actually sitting down to put it together. Of course, it won’t publish until tomorrow, but the sentiment remains the same. The “wherethefuckhastheyeargone” sentiment that keeps creeping up behind me and scaring me half to death. 2015 has come and gone (almost) and in its wake it’s left so many good things. (REALLY GOOD THINGS- SOME THAT I CAN’T EVEN TELL YOU ABOUT YET BUT THAT ARE SO BIG AND GOOD AND GOOD AND BIG.)
S and I drove up to San Francisco the other weekend- a miserable drive made worse by accidents (not ours) and construction and general traffic woes. But we ate a lot of pizza and we saw my niece (who calls me something that sounds like “Ana”) and we saw our good friends’ new baby and we met other friends for drinks and we drank wine on my brother’s deck and then we came home, back to LA, me searching Zillow to look up prices on all the houses we passed on the backroads from the 405 to Santa Monica.
Now: a short hop, skip, and jump away from the end of the year, from our trip to Hawaii (!!), from my birthday, from the aforementioned exciting announcement with which I’ll start off 2016 (feel the suspense building?).
I’ll check in again soon. Until then- let’s hope December moves slowly.